My Journey Through Postpartum and Life After I Kicked It's A$$!!!

Tag Archives: Reviving Ophelia


If you look at my Nook or home library, it will be full of three types of books.  Books on self-help, parenting, and nursing textbooks.  Okay, so Fifty Shades of Grey may be entwined some where in between. 🙂  

Some of my favorite books are Drama of the Gifted Child, which was actually mentioned in The Battle Hymm of the Tiger Mom, Real Marriage, and Loving Kindness.  I read four or five books at a time.  Right now, I’m reading Reviving Ophelia, Raising Cain, Wild, and just finished Battle Hymm of the Tiger Mom.

In my quest to become the best parent I could be, I realized that WHILE reading these books, I stress out.  The stress seems to stem from the notion that I feel like I haven’t done anything these books are suggesting I should do.  I start thinking “OMG, thee impressionable first five have gone with my daughter!!!! Is she doomed? Will she resent me for the rest of her life??? Will she suffer from depression due to my parenting??? Will puberty be my payback?”  That’s when I have to put the book down and try to convince myself that I can’t look back at what I’ve done.

I always tell O (my daughter) “don’t make the same mistakes momma does or just because someone else says something or does something dumb, doesn’t mean you have to.”  Unfortunately, I have made duplicate mistakes with her a number of times.  Namely when my patience runs thin or my own frustrations get the best of me and in that moment… I can’t control my own emotions or reactions to the situation. I’m praying daily that I practice what I preach and control myself by giving myself a timeout and a chance to breathe.  

I don’t think we should coddle our children from emotions though.  We are human and like I tell my mom and sister all the time, “the world is not going to cater to my kids like you guys do.” Tough love.  It’s hard, but I refuse to raise entitled and spoiled children.

My daughter is a mini replica of my husband and myself.  I see how she gets frustrated sometimes and it sends chills up my spine because I feel like I’m staring into a mirror.  Those are the moments I pray she hears my voice again saying “O, do better than momma, teach kindly and patiently.”

The postcard photo I posted rings so true for me and most of my girlfriends I’m sure (J. Peddy… I know you feel me).  I think we all think we are damaging our kids to a certain degree especially when we read these books and aren’t doing half of the suggested material.  What I come to learn is that I can pick and choose what works in MY household and reiterate to myself every second of the day that I am doing the best that I can and reinforcing more than anything else that “I love you, O. I love you Husb.  I love you, Will.”  

These books are tools and guidance materials, not the bible.

Happy Monday


Being O's Momma!!!!

My Journey Through Postpartum and Life After I Kicked It's A$$!!!


My Journey Through Postpartum and Life After I Kicked It's A$$!!!

Little Miss Momma

My Journey Through Postpartum and Life After I Kicked It's A$$!!!


Future leaders of the world! - Celeste